Monday, June 29, 2009


Roy looks towards the window.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Wina looks out to sea after being bested by Sgaana, The Whale. He gets smacked in the head.
Wina holds tight to his harpoon as Sgaana dives deep.
Klundux having a nightmare.
Wina suffering cabin fever.

Bunch of Raventales concepts for upcoming episodes, cha cha.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Taking the train here and there.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wizard's Magic

Portrait of Malerus painted with the power of his mind. Oh Malerus, always playing the sad clown.

Aleric and Perin have their particles unraveled by the awesome purple magic power of Malerus.

Perin's unprovoked attack on Aleric's head with some blasty magic.

A render of Malerus's hangout.

Malerus making some shiny magic.

Aleric blasting and manipulating the magic.

So that's a bunch of what I've been doing at work for the last couple of months. Weeeeee.


Sunday, June 7, 2009


Concept art for a story I'm writing ever so slowly, this would be the lead character, currently named Mary. The story is Halloween themed and is about identity, which I thought would be fitting cause everyone dresses up as something other than themselves. Lah blah blah.
